Callby value and Call by reference
Call by Value:When an argument is passed to a
method, the invoked method gets a copy of the original value.Call by Reference
also called call by Address is when a method receives an implicit reference of
variable , not the value.
The reference of variable is stored in a pointer
variable. Changes to the data pointed by the pointer are reflected in the data
of the calling function. It is also known as Pass By Reference. This concept is
a misunderstood concept in Java Programming
The difference between call-by-value and
call-by-reference (also known as "pass-by-value" and
"pass-by-reference" respectively) is most easily explained using the
following pseudocode.
x = "A"
function modify(input) {
= "B"
print(x) // "A" indicates language calls
by value
"B" indicates language calls by reference
Hint: almost all popular programming languages call
by value. This includes C, Java, Python and PHP. The most notable exception is
(Some programming languages allow you to call by
reference if you use special syntax. This includes PHP and C#.)
Confusingly, many call-by-value programming
languages pass an object reference as their value.
Use this pseudo code to test this behaviour.
x = new Object
x.colour = "white"
function modify(input) {
= "black"
print(x.colour) // "white" if
call-by-value and value is whole object
// "black" if call-by-value and value is reference to object
// "black" if call-by-reference
Hint: almost all popular call-by-value programming
languages use a reference to the object as their value. This includes Java and
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